Dropzone is a component that allows you to drag-and-drop files into a container to process them.
Powered by
npx kibo-ui@latest add dropzone
- Drag and drop files to upload
- Customize the empty state and content
- Intelligently handle file types, sizes, and counts
- Show file names and sizes in a human readable format
- Handle errors and reject files
- Disable the dropzone when needed
- Customize the appearance with className
- Show file previews for images
- Replace existing files by dragging new ones
- Context provider for accessing dropzone state
With max and min sizes
Multiple files
Images only
With custom empty state
Showing an image preview
The dropzone component is made up of the following subcomponents:
Prop | Type | Default |
multiple? | boolean | - |
onDragEnter? | DragEventHandler<HTMLElement> | - |
onDragOver? | DragEventHandler<HTMLElement> | - |
onDragLeave? | DragEventHandler<HTMLElement> | - |
accept? | Accept | - |
minSize? | number | - |
maxSize? | number | - |
maxFiles? | number | - |
preventDropOnDocument? | boolean | - |
noClick? | boolean | - |
noKeyboard? | boolean | - |
noDrag? | boolean | - |
noDragEventsBubbling? | boolean | - |
disabled? | boolean | - |
onDropAccepted? | <T extends File>(files: T[], event: DropEvent) => void | - |
onDropRejected? | (fileRejections: FileRejection[], event: DropEvent) => void | - |
getFilesFromEvent? | (event: DropEvent) => Promise<(File | DataTransferItem)[]> | - |
onFileDialogCancel? | () => void | - |
onFileDialogOpen? | () => void | - |
onError? | (err: Error) => void | - |
validator? | <T extends File>(file: T) => FileError | readonly FileError[] | null | - |
useFsAccessApi? | boolean | - |
autoFocus? | boolean | - |
src? | File[] | - |
className? | string | - |
onDrop? | (acceptedFiles: File[], fileRejections: FileRejection[], event: DropEvent) => void | - |
children? | ReactNode | - |
Prop | Type | Default |
children? | ReactNode | - |
Prop | Type | Default |
children? | ReactNode | - |